Friday, July 7, 2017

Chickadee Whole cloth Quilt....Progress

We are in the third hay field today...

The pink foxgloves are in full bloom...

We have nearly 300 round bales so far...

In the background is the goat barn...

I was able to slip away from the hay fields 

in the late afternoon...

I ran right into the Thread Shed

and jumped on the Sweet 16...

The Chickadee Whole cloth Quilt 

is waiting for me!

I am using MicroQuilter Thread in the needle.

These super fine threads are working 

beautifully on this satin fabric.

Here is a BEFORE photo of the quilt...

Here is an AFTER photo of the quilt.

Any day I can sit down and stitch feathers...

is a good day!

At this point I am done with all of the 

large feather motif work...

Next time I will begin the tiny fill work.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. WOW! Fabric just shines and your quilting, of course, is fabulous!

  2. Hey LuAnn,
    Are those fox gloves beside your hay fields? Wild?

    I really enjoy your blog. Your quilting adventures and life on the range. Thank you!!


  3. YAY for quilting time!! I love how this if progressing. I hope you don't lose any of your beautiful quilting to the background fill...I did that once and it took me forever to remove the McTavishing I had quilted. Does this gorgeous fabric allow you to remove your quilting stitches without leaving holes just in case your chosen design for the fill makes the quilting you want to stand out disappear? Scary part of the quilting for me, even though I know most quilting cottons will allow me to make a change, just hate spending the hours necessary to remove those offending stitches!
